By YM/GySgt Talla Aasved, Division 3 Public Affairs Correspondent Milton Lewis (FL) The Young Marine National Encamp- ment was held last July at Camp Rainy Mountain, GA. Young Marines from all over the nation got together and united as one for a week. During this eventful week, Young Marines participated in activities and classes such as kayaking, padleboarding, swimming, ropes course, cooking, aviation and lifesaving classes. Throughout the whole encampment Young Marines learned new skills, met new friends,and got to have a great time. As the week went by I observed and at- tempted to capture every moment, big and small. When Young Marines helped each other out (because they were hav- ing difficultly with a task) I made sure I was there to capture it. I also wanted to make sure I could cap- ture the little moments, such as when the Young Marines got to sit down one on one with YM/SgtMaj Angel Orozco, the National Young Marine of theYear, or when they got the song challenge at chow and got up in front of everyone and sang their hearts out. After evening chow, we would always have an activity to keep the Young Ma- rines entertained until lights out. The biggest hit was Chester’s Moto Show (hosted by the National Young Marine of the Year). This activity consisted of mu- sic, games, and challenges that Young Marines could participate in. During the show there was a surprise appearance made by Chester himself, which had the Young Marines ecstatic. This activity was a huge success and in- creased everyone’s motivation and mo- rale during the encampment. This was a great opportunity for Young Marines of all ages to get to interact with each other, the National Young Marine of the Year, and our beloved mascot, Chester. I enjoyed getting to watch these Young Marines make friendships and memories that will last a lifetime. Things such as these make this program so amazing, and like no other. The 2017 Young Marine National Encampment By YM/Sgt Keira Base Eagle (CA) This summer I had the amazing ex- perience of going to a SPACES event. I attended the Orme School in Mayer, Ari- zona. This trip includes many wonderful staff and activities. The many Young Ma- rines who attended made new friends and memories that will last for a life time. When we arrived at Orme in Arizona we assembled next to a baggage claim area to find everyone.We then assembled into groups for the coming week.We boarded a bus and traveled to the school. When we got off the bus, we were shown to our dorms and were given a tour of the school. The next day we started our activities. These activities included hiking, horse- back riding, art, swimming, archery, kaya- king, and team building. This trip made me realize that Young Marines are not just in one area of the country, but that they are everywhere, and it’s amazing. The next point is that Orme reiterates how wonderful living a drug-free life- style can be. A final point is that we are lucky enough to have caring and loving parents who support our involvement in the Young Marine program, and Adult volunteers who provide us with the op- portunity to gather with other Young Marines and learn. At the end of the week (as we left) we all exchanged numbers and parted ways to our gates. Leaving all the new friends was hard, but we will communicate ,so it was a little easier. I will remember this trip for the rest of my life and I highly recommend it for others. AWeek at SPACES Orme School is Memorable and Highly Recommended By YM/Cpl Chelsea Ponder Atlantic Coast (FL) The Charlie Battalion Encampment was a very eye-opening weekend. We arrived there in the evening and set up our tents. We all gathered around the campfire and introduced ourselves, it was very fun meeting new Young Marines. Our week- end consisted of waking up, doing a mo- tor run, eating chow, and going straight into classes. I’ve noticed on most en- campments there’s a certain age limit and ranking you must have in order to do certain things. These classes were mainly focused on motivating the Privates, PFCs and Lance Corporals to earn the ribbons and meet the requirements they need to achieve rank and to be great Young Marines.This also helped all the Corporals (and ranks above) with their teaching abilities. On the last night we all had together we performed in a talent show.We really got to know each other and our talents this way. This encampment made me more aware of how to be a great leader. I can’t wait to attend the next one. Charlie Battalion Encampment: Showing Us How To Be A Great Leader 34 YOUNG MARINES ESPRIT ONLINE