• From National Deputy Director Joe Venable Follow us on Facebook www.facebook.com/usyoungmarines and our national homepage www.youngmarines.com Young Marines, Adult Volunteers, Young Marines Board of Directors, Young Marines Foundation Board of Directors, Young Marines National Staff, Young Marines Alumni Association: The U.S. Marine Corps was my calling for 27 years. When retired I was sure I had built my last ribbon rack, would not wear cammies, greens, blues; well, you get the picture. For me, the essence of my being had been fo- cused on training my Marines to be tough, physically fit, expert riflemen, and mission accom- plishment leaders. I wanted them to be better trained than I was going into the Republic of Vietnam. My Ma- rine Infantry students who attended my “out of hide” Combat Observers Course (operational 3 years), Commis- sioned Officer Forward Observers, and Scout Observer students performed brilliantly during the Gulf War, and many earned high decorations. Even in Somalia, Operation Restore Hope, I was proud of their volunteerism and aggressiveness and being “Ambassa- dors in Green”. My challenge to them was always,“Are you ready for war to- day! Yesterday is Marine Corps history and tomorrow is too darn late!” Now, I had to find a job! I did. Good job that that met many of my needs at the time and then on to other employers such as SAIC, MITRE, Northrup Grumman, and WBB. Then my oldest grandson wanted to join Young Marines. He did, I did, and the rest has been all great... Young Marines – my second calling and one I needed to satisfy my wanting to give back. I read everything, attend all YM drills with my Grandson, and applied to become an Adult Volunteer after a year as a grandparent volunteer. All went well and the best part of my post retirement from the Corps began. In 2010, former Young Marines National Executive Director, Mike Kessler, called and asked if I would consider being a candidate for his Deputy Director position. Honored, I immediately said I was willing to be interviewed and if selected, negotiate. Wow! I was again honored when selected and became a full time leader within the organization devoting my full energies to our mission. My motto to all, “Are you ready for Community Service today? Yesterday is Young Marine history and tomorrow may be too late!” Why do I love the Young Marine Program? Easy, the members! The Young Marines themselves “get it” and want to be positive,leaders,and of course have fun doing it. For the Adult Volunteers, because you have the same motivation as I, no matter branch of service, no service; you want to give back, be a positive influence, etc. 95% of all volunteers I have worked with since January 2004, have been a privilege to meet, learn from, assist, work with, etc. I cannot begin to express by admira- tion for our Young Marines and Adult Volunteers! We have another fine National Executive Director of three years now, Colonel Bill Davis. Addi- tionally, my fellow Deputy Director / National DDR Director, Joe Lusignan is superb. Retired Deputy Sheriff Wilson Lee and seasoned YM Adult Volunteer and former YM Division Commander will be a perfect replacement for the position of National Deputy Director / Chief of Staff at our National Head- quarters in Dumfries, VA. This leader- ship team will move this great pro- gram forward well. Your National Staff is a TEAM that is working well together, fine tuning ‘connections’, and working to better the program and make things better for Young Marines and Adult Volunteers. I retire August 22, 2018, a decision reached before I had health issues last year. All of your prayers, my lov- ing and best woman I have ever known, Jane, and a great heart surgeon got me through. I have one more ‘hurdle’ and then plan on continuing as a volunteer or part time if needed. Young Marines and Adult Volunteers –Thank all of you for your amazing ideas, work, time, and leadership! Semper Fidelis, Joseph M. Venable 2 Young Marines Esprit ONLINE